
Showing posts from November, 2020

What happens when we wake up?

No election is the end of the world until...well, the world actually ends. If we're all still alive tomorrow, we should all do our very best to make sure everyone around us also stays alive through the next day too. And the next day. And the next. The most important election is the next one, in the sense that we no longer have control over the past, but we do have control over the future.  Don’t get me wrong. This election has been incredibly stressful on a lot of levels for many people, and I don’t want to minimize the very real mental and emotional toll it has taken, and may yet take. I also don’t want to minimize the very real physical consequences that will occur once it is over. No matter what happens, we will have a president of the United States who many people in the country vehemently oppose. (And if you have a hard time believing that, try getting outside of your own echo chamber for a little bit and recognize that there are real people with real problems who support both

The Bridge

You're hanging on a creaky rope bridge hanging over a deep ravine. You look down briefly and gulp, wishing you hadn't. Deep breath in, close your eyes, count to ten. You try to calm your racing heart to no avail. Taking stock, you notice that the next several boards are completely missing, which is not reassuring since you just jumped onto your current board as the previous few disintegrated under you. Stuck. The breeze blows gently, rustling your shirt and hair. On solid ground, that would feel nice, a brief respite from the heat of the day. Now, it only feels terrifying. But what's that? Ahead of you, past the bridge on the other side, you see a friend! Elated with relief, you call out to him. He runs towards the bridge, shocked by your plight. He starts calling suggestions, and you desperately try to process everything he's saying. Just then you hear another voice behind you. Palms sweaty, you turn gingerly, trying not to sway the bridge too much as you look around.