
Showing posts from 2018

Judge Not

This is going to be a very scattered post because I have probably ten million things to say about this and I know if it’s too long no one is going to want to read it. But I want to be real with you right now. “Judge not.” Christ gave us this commandment directly, straight outta the Sermon on the Mount. Why? Probably for a ton of different reasons, but one of the most intimidating, in my opinion, is the one that He cites Himself. “That ye be not judged.” He goes on to explain that we’ll be measured by the same stick we hold up against others, although in prettier terms. This scripture (Matthew 7:1, by the way) could probably take up at least one post of my jots and thoughts, probably more, for all the different implications it has for us and the nuances of phrase and whatever else Christ says about judging elsewhere. But that’s not where I’m going with this right now. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve started seeing the phrase, “Let people live” a lot lately, and if it’s not me then I will a